Odborný garant

prof. Ing. Ján Murgaš, PhD.
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Ústav riadenia a priemyselnej informatiky
Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovensko
e-mail: jan.murgas@stuba.sk

Technical guarantee

prof. Ing. Ján Murgaš, PhD.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Institute of Control and Industrial Informatics
Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: jan.murgas@stuba.sk


Riadenie procesov v energetických podnikoch
Control of Power Plants

Adaptive multiple model algorithm for hydro generator speed and power control
Teofana Puleva, Alexandar Ichtev

Predictive control of synchronous generator: a multiciterial optimization approach
Marián Mrosko, Eva Miklovičová, Ján Murgaš

Multivariable predictive circulating fluidized bed combustor control
Jiří Findejs, Vladimír Havlena, Daniel Pachner

Effective speed controller in island operation
Ján Murgaš, Michal Poliačik, Martin Ernek

Prevádzka a riadenie energetických systémov
Power System Operation and Control

Problems of frequency control in the power system with massive penetration of distributed generation
Vladimir Chuvychin, Antans Sauhats, Vadims Strelkovs

Advanced controls - fuzzy logic for fluidized bed boiler
Tero Joronen, Rupert Kerschbaum

Operation of hydro and thermal power plants in a complex power system
František Janíček, Anton Causevski, Dragan Minovski

Vadia a budú vadiť systémové poruchy typu black-out každému rovnako?
Miroslav Gramblička

Comparison of thermo-chemical water splitting cycles
Miroslava Smitková, František Janíček

Human reliability analysis in power engineering
František Janíček, Zoltán Kovács, Emil Krondiak, Matej Korec

Stabilita energetických systémov
Power System Stability

Computations of the model parameters of generating unit elements based on measurements
Stefan Paszek, Łukasz Majka

The power system steady-state stability analysis
Žaneta Eleschová, Anton Beláň

Blackout in the power system
Žaneta Eleschová, Anton Beláň

Analyses of the P-V and V-Q curves for a power system with UPFC
Okon Tomasz, Wilkosz Kazimierz, Lukomski Robert

PSS parameters setting using genetic algorithms
Ján Murgaš, Juraj Hnát, Eva Miklovičová

Modelovania a riadenie energetických systémov
Power System Modeling and Control

The method for determining angular stability factors based on power waveforms
Paszek Stefan, Nocoń Adrian

Methods of measurement placement design for power system state estimation
Robert Lukomski, Kazimierz Wilkosz

Riadený usmerňovač s aktívnym filtrom vyšších harmonických prúdov pre inteligentné meniče frekvencie
Milan Žalman, Ján Jovankovič, Igor Bélai

Aplikace robustního regulátoru na řízení hladiny bubnového kotle
Michal Menkina